Deliciously trashy!
12 March 2000
Unlike many other teen movies that have recently come onto the scene, this one is unique and unpredictable. Although you can't take it too seriously (nor does it expect you to), "Cruel Intentions" is way more entertaining and interesting than anything I have seen in a long time, especially anything with those WB kids.

Taking the story of "Dangerous Liaisons" and translating it to rich teenagers, this film is filled with interesting little intricacies. Although it's true that in the tradition of "Dawson's Creek," these kids speak as though their lives were scripted by a soap opera writer, that's because they are! Suspending disbelief and living in the fantasy world of these rich kids is one of the true joys of the movie, along with some deliciously hot sex scenes and Sarah Michelle Gellar spewing foul language.

Unlike many recent teen movies, such as "American Pie," underneath the foul language and graphic sex scenes, there is still an interesting and intricate plot, which leaves viewers shocked and baffled, not to mention entertained. Gellar is amazing as the supreme bitch of the bunch, spewing lines like, "I'm the Marcia f--ing Brady of the Upper East Side..."

However, if you try to take it too seriously, the plot becomes ridiculous, inane and unbelievable. So sit back, make some popcorn, and laugh along with this highly entertaining movie!
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