Review of Little Men

Little Men (1998)
Fairly good
3 April 1999
This is a pretty good movie, nothing spectacular but a nice family movie. I didn't much like Mariel Hemingway's Jo, she didn't seem to have much of the tomboyish fun spirit that Jo is famous for. I was surprised to see Chris Sarandon, because this role of his is very different from the one I'm familiar with;Prince Humperdink. I didn't like the Mr. Bhaer of this movie, he was too different from the book character. The boy who played Nat was pretty good, and he gave me the odd feeling I had seen him before, though I have no idea where. I most liked Dan though. There is something very appealing about those tough, street-wise boys, who act all hard but you know they have a heart inside. I thought he was very well played, and I'd like to see that actor (Ben Cook) again. Good movie for kids, adults and some teens might like it too.
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