DVD "Extras" Shine
15 August 2001
The advent of the DVD progressing from the VHS brings about a new opportunity for more information to be included in its format. It's quite similar to the LP recording's graduation from its 78 rpm predecessor, with the LPs providing greater space for including more material. Now the DVDs are offering most interesting "extras" in its packaging.

One such "bonus" is the Commentary Track, in which selected production members provide verbal comments as the film plays throughout its entire run. Some of these tracks are excellent, one example being Director Anthony Minghella's for his "The Talented Mr. Ripley." The director there was downright eloquent, and his running remarks are most informative.

In the case of "Rites of Passage" Director Victor Salva joins leading player Jasan Behr for a full-length commentary. This track is almost almost as entertaining as the film itself, as it offers fascinating tidbits about the production--some completely surprising, which makes one appreciate the dedication and effort that it took to bring this indie thriller to the screen.

The commentary doesn't replace the movie, though, which is a fairly successful, if somewhat talky, enterprise. The cast is just fine, headed by the remarkable now-veteran Dean Stockwell, with James Remar and Rob Keith assisting Behr, who in turn offers a solid performance in the lead, difficult role of Cambell.

Watching the movie and then going to the Commentary, one really can appreciate the process behind realizing this final product, shot well under a three week schedule.

It's great to have the advantage which the DVD format now affords. I for one, really appreciate being able to be "let in" on the behind-the-scenes productional details. Of course, it can take away some of the realistic effect the film conveys--rather like being informed of how a magician does his illusions. But it's just an option that one may or may not choose to take advantage of.

As a package deal, "Rites of Passage" is well worth the cost. As a singular film experience, it's a bit wordy effort in which the whole doesn't quite measure up to the sum of its parts. Yet there's no denying the cast works at peak level of commitment and effort in attempting to purge the essence of their characters.

In the meantime, we can be thankful for the new opportunites the DVD format provides. There's great indication this format will eventually absorb the VHS technology -- just like the CDs replaced the LPs in the recording industry. Time marches on. Like, rapidly.
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