Intelligent screenwriting and brilliant direction reign
26 December 2003
The filmscript for "Rites of Passage" was not only intelligently but skillfully written and brilliantly executed by Mr. Victor Salva who, I understand, comes from the training ground of F. F. Coppola. If this is so it comes as no surprise since he led this project with the same sort of fresh energy and panache! It is my belief that audiences have missed the great 'integrity' with which this film quite simply reeks! Had it been promoted as it might have been I feel that audiences may have lifted this film to its rightful place. Beyond Mr. Salva's seemingly limitless gifts there was, also, the music which gave the film its feeling of extreme intensity and kept me on edge throughout while wringing my emotions simultaneously. And, not the least nor the last brilliant element to add to the whole, there were the actors who treated ensemble acting like an unparalleled "Lucia di Lammermoor" cast of singers singing the sextette with sublime artistry. Seldom in today's market have I seen a film elevate the film medium to such heights of style and art! I really feel that any film buff who hasn't seen "Rites of Passage" has missed one of those lyrical and rare gems which comes our way all too infrequently and leaves the viewer feeling cleansed and good to be alive! Mr. Salva, I salute and thank you and your entire team!!!
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