T3 = Missing Key Ingredients
21 November 2003
From a marketing viewpoint the movie has achieved its objective:

The movie is fast and packed with explosions, gore, sexuality, amazing fight sequences, and mind blowing special effects. It is full of the right ingredients necessary to brew up a summer blockbuster. Swearing and explicit nudity is kept down to a minimum. By today's standards, the gore is depicted in such a way that it does not overwhelm the viewer as it did in certain scenes of the previous two Terminator films. It demographically targets a very broad audience. This equals Maximum Profit.

This is what it seems that Hollywood is after these days: Maximum Profit.

T3 lacks in emotional impact. There is little to no emotional attachment built for the characters including the Terminator (T-800).

If you are looking for a profound and moving movie then you're not going to find it here. This is a movie designed for today's 'MTV' audience. It is designed to be fast and full of action. It is not going to touch you the same way the first two movies did. If you go into the movie expecting this then you will be disappointed.
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