Almost Famous (2000)
WAY Overrated
1 August 2001
The inexplicably high IMDB rating for "Almost Famous" just serves to illustrate how unbearably wretched most Hollywood movies are these days. People go to see something which does not insult their intelligence, has competent acting by a good-looking cast, and is entertaining for most of its running time - BINGO! It gets a "10". Once upon a time, films like "Almost Famous" were the minimum you could expect from a major release. Now, it shines like a lighthouse beacon on a rocky shore.

Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed this flick, but there is nothing particularly memorable or outstanding about it. I was in high school during the era depicted, and it does a good job of evoking the flavor and fashions of those times. It is a nostalgic look back at a period when rock music was still fresh and not yet being used to sell beer and cars. But the plot was thoroughly predictable, and everyone was so NICE that I almost fell asleep. Gotta love that Dream Team of 'band-aids' though - Fairuza Balk has never been hotter!!
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