Run, don't walk, away from this movie
13 March 2000
This movie is flat out awful. There is no attempt at even developing any real plot, the movie is more about the trip to Mars than the planet itself, and the characters have all the depth of parking lot puddles. I guarantee that this movie will be up for the worst of the year. The special effects aren't even that good, and I saw it on digital projection (which, by the way, is a fabulous way to see a movie). I found Armageddon to be light summer fare, and while it would never win any Oscars, it was entertaining. This movie didn't even do that. The ending was stolen from other movies and TV shows, and DePalma must have been trying to come up with this generation's 2001. Instead, he came up with another Lost in Space. I gave this movie a 1 only because I couldn't give it a 0. Save your time for something better to do, like watch paint dry.
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