Spoilers within...but then, who cares?
20 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Mission To Mars was BAD BAD BAD. The science fiction ideas were weak and have all been done before--and done better. The action sequences were contrived and ridiculous. (Why *wouldn't* you put your spare helmet on during cabin depressurization, if not to inject tension into a lackluster sequence?) SCIENCE fiction? Science was simply *absent* from this movie. It's as if they had no technical advisors at all. I mean...Dr. Pepper BOILS in space, it doesn't freeze. Human DNA consists of slightly more than six base pairs. There was good marketing-fiction, though. Kawasaki Mars rover...uh-huh. Sigh. I can understand why people go see manipulative, butt-stupid dreck like Armageddon. At least there's lots of purdy 'splosions and sparkly lights. But why would ANYBODY like M2M, which has NO tension, NO action, NO original ideas, mediocre FX, and NO reason for being, other than to separate you from your eight bucks? WHY? Why, when it's ALL been done before? M2M shamelessly ripped off Apollo 13, The Mummy, 2001, 2010, Star Wars, Close Encounters, and even The Abyss (right down to the damn WATER!). It's infuriating! I can only think that the positive reviews seen here were written by studio hacks to try kicking up the word of mouth on this piece of filmic fecal material. Well, here's my word of mouth: SUCKS. And one last thing, merely a stylistic note to the writers...the typical human reaction to having a hole blasted in one's hand by a tiny piece of rock is not to sit in your chair and blandly utter, "micrometeorites." It's more like "AAAAAHHH!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY HAND!! OH, GOD, MY HAAAAAANNNNDDDDD!!!!!"
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