Review of Queer as Folk

Queer as Folk (1999–2000)
The Best Series we may never see
26 August 1999
Through a good connection I got VHS copies of the entire show, and I watched them all several times. This series will never make it uncut to the United States! It has some pretty graphic scenes, but it's not ever pornographic. What it is -- the smartest, most well-written, heartbreakingly real television show I have ever seen. Forget ER at its best! This is a show about real people, and they just happen to be gay. It's sad that nobody has agreed to air it uncut here in the US. HBO wants it, but they will edit it severely. Now when does a cable channel that will show SHOWGIRLS or any theatrical US release with extensive nudity decide that a couple of seconds of male nudity is too much. I am tired of protecting kids! I couldn't see EYES WIDE SHUT intact and now this. We are the most backwards civilized country in the world. But enough about that, if you ever get a chance to see QUEER AS is well worth it. Rarely have I seen anything so unique and gripping.
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