A Thoughtful Martial Arts Film
9 August 2001
2000 really wasn't a great year in movies, but if we are to remember anything about it, it should be that one film united the world. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has instantly become the most successful foreign film of all time. Although it definitely isn't the greatest foreign film of all time, it is, perhaps, the best martial arts film ever made.

It is being called the Star Wars of Taiwan, but I think that's a bit misleading. Star Wars was popular because it took place in an entirely different world where the rules were broken. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also takes place in a fantasy world, but it is more realistic. Sure, some people can fly around, but the characters aren't yelling catch phrases and comic relief in the heat of the battle, such as in Star Wars. This is a more serious film, but it is a rewarding one.

The battle sequences are absolutely breathtaking. Just compare them to Gladiator's choppy, overrated battles. In Crouching Tiger, it is made very clear what the battlefield looks like, where the characters are in it, and what they are doing. In Gladiator, there really isn't any way of telling what's going on, we just see a few strange shots, like a tiger's leg, then a sword, etc. Crouching Tiger's, battles are beautifully choreographed and graceful, and that's why they can stand the test of time better than Star Wars or Gladiator.

It's about time the martial arts genre finally cooked up a rewarding and compelling experience, one that makes you think and look in awe. It's a unique experience and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to look at subtitles to see a superb film.

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