enjoyable gothic kids movie
2 April 2001
Since I was a child, I have had an obsession with all things vampires. Looking back now I wonder how much influence the 80's Little Vampire series had on me. I might be well over the 'suggested' age group for this movie but I couldn't wait to see it at the cinema and I wasn't disappointed at all!

The Little Vampire is funny, with a great plot and well acted. Being also an obsessive Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, I found the movie a refreshing alternative to gothic vampire style horror films which are currently plaguing the TV and movie industry at the moment. I can't honestly say how much a child may enjoy this film but if you have a spare nephew, niece or grandchild, borrow one and rent the film. I am just about to order my DVD copy of the Little Vampire tonight to join my collection of other vampire movies - Interview with the Vampire, Lost Boys, Dracula etc!
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