John Carpenter is slipping slipping away
8 March 2002
I'm worried about John Carpenter. He used to make such good movies. The Thing, Christine, Big Trouble in Little China, They Live, the list goes on. I can't understand why he has made the horrible waste of film stock that calls itself Ghosts of Mars. His first mistake was picking Ice Cube. Now I have no problem with Ice Cube except acting was not one of his talents and sci-fi horror movies are not where he should be spending his time. Natasha Henstridge is likewise not a great actress. Of course, most of us know her as the hot alien in Species. Her acting is just as wooden as it was in that picture. A mostly no name supporting cast with the exception of Pam Grier and Jason Statham who brighten up the background for a little bit before being sunk by the bad dialogue. The "ghosts" themselves are humans that have been possessed by ghosts and they look a lot like the fans at a Marilyn Manson concert. John Carpenter, who writes the music on all of his films, has gone for a psuedo-metal kind of sound here. It sucks big time and Anthrax and Steve Vai couldn't make it any better. This movie didn't have much going for it in the first place and with Mr. Carpenter flubbing this one up I don't know what is happening to his once great talents. I'm scared for the future. Bottom Line: Don't see this movie unless you are a diehard Carpenter fan or if you love Ice Cube. Chances are you will still be disappointed.
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