Good grief
23 February 2002

Here I am stuck in Kuala Lumpur and happy to see that they're showing the new Arnold blockbuster hot off the presses. I love Arnold movies and was happy with The 6th Day and even End of Days, (although I did draw the line at Last Action Hero).

Well... he's now surpassed Last Action Hero with his worst work to date. Not entirely his fault, but did he read the script ???? Did he notice that "Chain Reaction" (almost the worst movie ever made) was also directed by Andrew Davis ??

As you may have noticed ... I didn't like this movie AT ALL.

The production quality was ok, Andrew Davis gave us depth, meaning, photography ... but the main thing this movie lacked was a decent story that anyone cared about, followed by ANY action sequences worth a damn. Basically, once you've seen the first explosion right at the beginning, you might as well leave. That's as good as its going to get. It really lacks scenes where you can honestly say ... "oh, he really nailed it there".

In the end I had to leave even before the credits started rolling. I never do that. I simply just didn't care about this pathetic little movie.

Don't waste your money, not even renting this drivel. Go see "Behind Enemy Lines" again if you want pure Arnold-esque entertainment, which has at least 4 "nailed" scenes.

As for the "Fugitive", Andrew Davis' masterpiece ... I guess it just shows what a couple of good actors and a half decent script can do for a director. Andrew ..... Choose your next project carefully !!!!

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