If you like this movie, you have my pity
15 May 2003
I'll give them credit - the Wachowskis love comic books and Japanimation. And they know how to blur the line between video game and movie with extreme craft.

That being said, I just sat through a very long two-plus hours of alleged razzle dazzle that mostly just sat there like my Uncle Stanley. I know this is half a movie, but all the payoff in the world can not make up for the dead space, monotonous stunts, logic loopholes, wooden performances, subpar effects (yes, some of them just look chintzy), and schmorgasbord approach to plot and character that is the Matrix Reloaded.

X-Men 2 had several action sequences that were exciting, character driven, and fresh. In Matrix 2, the action is so over the top to remove any sense of danger, and thus little sense of excitement. There is not one second in Matrix 2 that came close to the sheer thrill and ingenuity of Magento's escape from X-Men.

And the muddled plot? I'm sorry, but build up for the next sequel is NOT AN EXCUSE. The Keymaster? The Architect? The GHOST NELSONS? The RIDICULOUS FRENCHMAN? This could be a 100 hour miniseries, and it still wouldn't matter. There's nothing interesting or intelligent about any of these new additions, many of which feel like they were straight out of the Mystery Men.

On the positive - the car chase has a few remarkable minutes, as does the fight with the 100 Agent Smiths. But in both cases, the sheer magnitude begins to wear the scenes down.

And yet, critics are taking to this humdrum mess. I don't get it. You might have like it too. Glad one of us felt like they got their eight bucks worth.
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