Review of Audition

Audition (1999)
It's's very, very different!
21 December 2001
It's's the slow story about a man trying to find love again, after the death of his wife.

It's's the story of a man, with a son who desperately wants him to be happy once again.

It's's one hell of a film.

Takashi Miike's adaptation of Ryu Murakami's 'Odishon' is an amazing film experience. This a film that's deeper than most North American films. It's a dangerous journey into the "unknown" that is human beings. You will not judge books by their covers after this film ends.

This is the classic "boy meets girl" tale that the Brother's Grimm would have cranked out for those depraved enough to find it. This is very true considering the fairytale like, whirlwind romance which takes place. Boy Meets Girl. Boy Falls In Love With Girl. Boy, oh boy!

Visually, the film appears simplistic but that is all done to achieve that "safe" feeling on the unsuspecting viewer. The lack of music in many scenes also adds to that "everyday" kind of feeling. But there is alot more going on inside of one person than can be shown on the screen. The central character of Aoyama is struggling with the death of his wife, the maturation of his son, the mistakes of his past, and pleasing himself. When a beautiful woman comes into his life, she becomes everything. She takes over his thoughts and mind and seduces him with a quiet mystique, which only entices him further. The sexual power of a women, always a fascinating thing, becomes very apparent in this film as we are taken to one extreme almost beyond comprehension wrapped up in a brown sac.

If this movie ever falls into your hands, if you hear the name bantered about in your circle of friends (or beyond), if you have an inkling that you can get a bargain on this it! And as you watch, gear yourself up for a romance film. Pretend the movie is a nice slow moving, romantic-drama...Aoyama did, look where it got him...
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