Matrix - Objective Achieved
14 November 2003
The Brothers had one clear objective when making the Matrix movies: To produce a series of films using ground-breaking special effects to effectively mimic key aspects of japanimation (anime).

If you haven't had the opportunity to see an anime movie, then I strongly suggest that you do.

Depending on the anime film you rent, you'll notice many similarities between effects used in the matrix films and action based anime films.

I have noticed that the final Matrix has not scored very well on IMDB. That's understandable considering peoples high expectations of the film so I'm not terribly surprised with the score, however, I feel that the general public have not taken into consideration the relationship of this film and anime films.

I think they did an excellent job in matching the style, tempo, and cinematography of this film with anime classics such as "The Ghost in the Shell", "Akira", & "Jin-Ron".

From a technical perspective, outside of content, the film rates very well.

Consider watching some anime if you are a Matrix fan. It will help you to better appreciate the trilogy.
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