23 September 2003
There is nothing creative about this movie. It is a very simple story line... the movie had little to no character development. The effects and stunts were mediocre to say the least. I am not surprised at all at the ratings on IMDB. I must confess, I knew that this movie would be a disappointment before I even bought it, but I did not think it would be this bad.

I wish I could say that Mr. Paul Hunter did a good job with this film, however I question some of his choices. One cannot expect stellar acting in a film of this nature, however I believe that he could have better directed the cast. There just was not enough emotional build for any of the characters.

Again with the harnesses, pulleys and cables! Hollywood, get a clue... it's getting old, and fast. The technique has been used on many films lately, and it HAS lost it's appeal. You cannot impress today's audience by having a few flips and mega jumps anymore. There are too many films that use this technique in them today and they all seem all too similar. If you must have it, I suggest focusing on presenting these effects in a more creative manner. The Matrix has the right idea: Slow the film, angle the camera in a creative way. Do something!

You would think that a new, and creative music director like Mr. Paul Hunter would be full of creative ideas, but the film shows little creativity and a great lack of unique imagination.

If Mr. Paul Hunter wishes to go anywhere in this industry he should introduce his own element into the film that will make an audience want more. I wish him the best of luck on his future films.

Should I rent it?

Wait until the film makes it's way out of the NEW RELEASE isle and into the 7-Day Rental Section. It's not worth the NEW RELEASE price.

Should I buy it?

The DVD has some nice features and insightful commentaries. If you are into extra features like these, like I am, then check it out. But definitely do NOT rent or buy it if you just want to watch the movie. There just isn't enough substance in the movie to make it worth your while.

My rating: 5/10

The film gets a bonus point because it was filmed in Toronto, Ontario and I enjoyed seeing the familiar locals.
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