Political drama turned outside in
25 January 2001
"Die innere Sicherheit" features a family on the run, the parents seeming to be former terrorists and their fifteen year old daughter the involuntary hostage of the state of things she had the bad luck to be born into. Things start getting complicated when its not just the never vanishing state of paranoia which has to be coped with, but when the young daughter starts to revolt against a life that does not allow her to have her own life.

When everything´s said and done Christian Petzolds film is an inofficial remake of Sidney Lumet´s much and unjustly underrated "Running on Empty" (1988) from the word go. And though Lumet´s film may be the better executed, Petzold´s is the more intimate one. Its two major strongholds being its bleak style on the one hand (with the family´s car being almost the only place in the world where the three are safe; which is in fact one meaning of the title: the security of the interior) and Julia Hummer´s sensational performance as the terrorists young daughter.
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