Review of Purpose

Purpose (2002)
An updated combination of `Wall Street ` and `Glengarry Glenn Ross'
25 March 2002
Purpo$e is a roller coaster ride through the lifecycle of a company, during the recent bull market. The film is particularly relevant, and perfectly well timed, given, the recent Enron / Andersen disasters.

Purpose is slick and stylish, and should appeal to audiences who appreciate a good story line, excellent dialogue, great camera work, along with a terrific score. This movie is much better than most of the usual trash that is spewed out of Hollywood year after year.

Purpo$e is an updated combination of `Wall Street ` and `Glengarry Glenn Ross' - greed and excess, along with the implied (although maybe not maliciously intended) `con is always on'. It is both entertaining, and thought provoking, which is a rare combination for any type of film.

Purpo$e forces you to examine the decisions of otherwise intelligent, rational and sophisticated investors (and individuals), during the 90s..and what's particularly interesting is that maybe this analysis is actually introspection on ourselves.

My favorite scene, was John Elias attempting to convince a Mexican fisherman how, he could catch more fish, in order to be able to do exactly what he was already doing - standing on a beach fishing.

Look out for some clever, well placed cameos (Ronnie Apteker) amongst others.

Congratulations to Alan & Ronnie, and everyone involved for a great piece of work.
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