Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002 Video Game)
Love the game: Hate the genre
4 July 2003
Never played any of the previous Star Craft, WarCraft, or any other strategy game except for an hour's worth of Command & Conquer at a friends. While WarCraft III was, for the most part, pretty fun, I'm not about to jump into this genre of games. It was fun for a game, but towards the end of WarCraft III I thought the elements started becoming redundant so I can't imagine playing game after game, expansion pack after expansion pack of this. I can only build so many strongholds, survive for 30 minutes so many times, before I get bored. To each his own, I guess.

Monotony aside, I liked the idea of playing as different races, different campaigns, my favorite being the undead campaign. Sure every race has structures/creatures that do the same thing all the other race's structures/creatures do, but it's more how each race does it. The story is entertaining enough to start with but loses momentum after the midpoint. The structure of the plot and the fact that you -have- to play as all the races in a certain order comes across as a chore, especially if you don't particularly like one or more of the races. Oh well, I respect Blizzard Entertainment and I had fun with their game; I've just never been too big a fan of their style of games.
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