The Royal Mess
9 January 2002
I had all the best intentions of enjoying this film, as I have always admired the talent of Wes Anderson. That said, I can only state that as black comedies go, this isn't even beige.

Did anyone tell Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson their screenplay was just plain boring? Mr. Anderson perhaps had something else in mind when he thought about this project. The idea of a dysfunctional family sounds great, but in the treatment of the material on screen, it doesn't materialize. It's about one of the dullest films of the year, in spite of the overblown praise from all critics toward this movie, which does not come up to Mr. Anderson's previous directing efforts.

It's a shame because of all the talent amassed in this picture. The best thing in it is Gene Hackman. He is an actor that's always interesting to watch. His Royal Tenenbaum is not a fully formed character, but I would pay to see Mr. Hackman read from the Yellow Pages any time rather than to see him in a misguided attempt at comedy.

Gwyneth Paltrow character is bo-ring. And so are the brothers Wilson, and Ben Stiller. Angelica Houston is very dignified in her role, but you don't believe for a nanosecond that after what she went through with Royal, she would walk to the altar ever again.

Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman, who were so incredible in Rushmore don't have anything to do here. The narrative device is sophomoric at best. So the best advice to all the fans is to wait until it comes out in DVD. Who knows, it might even play better....
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