Just watch the trailer
23 November 2003
When I saw the trailer for Death To Smoochy, I thought it looked hilarious. I went on the website and everything, I got really excited. This seemed like a promising, very funny movie. Then when I actually saw it...it wasn't good at all. It was stupid. I can't understand how a movie with such a great cast and a director who has proved he's the king of black comedies could be so disappointing. To me, at least.

Here's where my problem is: The parts with Rainbow Raindolph trying to sabotage Smoochy are hilarious. I admit that. But the whole plot about the mob, and the 'reality' behind children's TV shows is just retarded. What the hell kind of satirical statement is that? It's sort of funny to think, "hey, what if the makers behind Sesame Street are really insane drug addicts with ties to the mob?" and things like that, but Death To Smoochy takes that idea too far. It would be a lot funnier if it was just about Rainbow Randolph VS. Smoochy.

I'd recommend just watching the trailer for this one. I'm not sure exactly how long the actual movie was, but however long it was it felt TOO long. The trailer gets all the best humour of the movie in just 2 minutes.

My rating: 4/10
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