Face It , It`s Not Very Good
29 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

As soon as this started I was convinced that I was watching a TVM even though there was a BBC onscreen announcement that FACING THE ENEMY contained scenes of violence and strong language . And after it finished I was still convinced it was a TVM - with the exception of scenes of violence and strong language .

The film starts with the credits in a white typeface appearing over a man parking his car in surburbia , always a symptom that you`re watching a TVM . The action moves along to the man ( Griff McCleary ) kissing his wife ( Olivia ) and their son finding his father`s gun and accidentally blowing his head off , a scene that`s laughably prissy just like you`d expect in a TVM . But then the film goes off into an entirely different tangent of Griff tracking down a prostitute who`s setting men up to be killed by her boyfriend , the prostitute killing herself and the boyfriend trying to gain revenge on Griff by getting close to Olivia in order to kill her . Sounds really sick and twisted doesn`t it ? And to a degree it is , but despite the inclusion of the F word every ten minutes I couldn`t help thinking FACING THE ENEMY was anything more than a TVM complete with bland actors and a script that relies on coincidence . Unfortunately if like me you hate TVMs you`ll probably hate this while if you love TVMs you`ll probably dislike it because it contains swearing . At the end of the day this movie will please no one
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