Review of The Job

The Job (2001–2002)
Law & Order, only funny
24 February 2002
To me, the style of this show is ala Law & Order. You know the humor I'm talking about? When the two lead cops are trying to out-dry-wit each other? The Job is pretty much just like that, only it's always just like that. Not much drama, unless it's the setup for some more humor. Amen to the producers for leaving out that $%@#ing laugh-track! I -- yes, I -- will decide what is funny and what is not. My only complaint is that the story lines are a bit "flighty." They don't ever seem to wrap anything up, and they don't finish last week's story this week. Things are just left hanging. But hey, that's the way they want it, that's the way they write it, then that's the style of the show. If they made it EXACTLY as I'd want it, then every darn show on TV would be Seinfeld. Hurray for the varying styles on TV! I like The Job.
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