State of Grace (2001–2004)
3 July 2001
While it isn't the best television show every made and there is much room for improvement, I think this TV series is very enjoyable to watch, especially the spunk of the two main characters, whom most girls of any age can relate to at some point. The attempt at humor usually fails and is very cliche, but the plots are fun. Given the opportunity (if Fox Family doesn't cancel it!) I think this show will get better over time. I will continue to watch it on Monday nights and hopefully it will establish a relatively large fan base. I will say this- the adults aren't stereotypical "dumb parents" as parents are many times portrayed in kids' TV series and the girls are pretty realistic characters, too. Give this show a chance! And another thing, it's not really for "mature viewers." I think kids can handle the word "Jewish" and it is a little insulting to think that just because a TV series is about a Catholic and a Jewish girl being friends that children under the age of eight couldn't watch it.
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