24 (2001–2010)
The MacGyver of Today
2 October 2003

Everything about this TV show is amazing. It is fresh, the real time concept is unique and "Hooks" the audience to keep them coming back.

Kiefer Sutherland plays "Jack Bauer" an extremely skillful C.T.U. (Counter Terrorist Unit) agent that undergoes an adventure that takes place in real time. Each 1-Hr episode covers 1 Hr of the day.

INTERESTING HISTORY: In the 1980's we had SUPER action heroes that were "all-knowing". These skillful, super-talented heroes were very popular during this time. Actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger (Red Heat) fronted the big screen while Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) fronted the TV screen. I think the audience began asking for a more realistic hero, so for the last decade we've seen TV shows and Movies follow a more realistic, "unlikely-hero" concept (Nicholas Cage in "The Rock"). Well, movies like the recent "The Rundown" and shows like "24" are, in my opinion, playing a key role in rekindling the "super" hero concept. Perhaps the American audience are looking for an "all-knowing" hero again because of recent events relating to the 9-11 incident in New York: With the threat of potential Terrorists Attacks circling the news nearly everyday, people are feeling especially vulnerable. The Jack Bauer character fronts investigations for the C.T.U. (Counter-Terrorist-Unit). His actions stop terrorists before they strike. So naturally, the Audience is going to want him to be "all-knowing".

If you enjoyed shows like "The A-Team" and "MacGyver" then you will enjoy this show very much. But be warned, watching it is a commitment. There are 24 episodes in every season, and the show is designed to have a "hook" at the end of every episode to motivate the audience to want to continue to watch the next episode. It is a very well designed show and it is well worth taking a look at.
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