Thank goodness someone knows how to make a smart, funny comedy!
26 September 2002
Congratulations to all those involved in STARK RAVING MAD on a job well done! I was lucky enough to be present at one of the recent screenings and I enjoyed myself thoroughly!

Before I get into specific comments, let me me tell you a little bit about my personal likes and dislikes so you have some sort of frame of reference.

Some of my favorite films of late have been ELECTION, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME and RUSHMORE. I'm a huge fan of Woody Allen (The current frontrunner is CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS) and the Coen Brothers. I also love the KIDS IN THE HALL, A FISH CALLED WANDA and GROUNDHOG DAY, which, to me, is the perfect comedy.

That being said...

STARK RAVING MAD isn't perfect but God bless the filmmakers for trying and, on many more occasions than not, succeeding! This is a smart comedy that looks great, has a kick ass soundtrack, well-rounded characters, a plot that keeps us on our toes without being confusing or illogical and a heart that hits some pretty serious emotional moments without ever being trite and saccharine.

Here's how I'd sum up this film:

FAWLTY TOWERS in a rave!

Applause for Scott (Who really impressed me! He pulls off a tough role and debunks whatever theories his agents are probably telling him - Enough with the AMERICAN PIE movies already!) and Tim Sharp, who carries the emotional core of the film squarely on his shoulders. Both actors work well together and have a nice chemistry. In addition, the pizza delivery guy is HILARIOUS. I loved the pizza delivery guy! I also loved the guy on Scott's team who inadvertently takes ecstasy in the middle of the job! Very, very funny! And Dave Foley is great as the slimiest but funniest FBI agent I've ever seen!

Go see this film! It's a fun ride!

Hooray for the people in Hollywood who still take chances!
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