Hannity & Colmes (1996–2008)
5 September 2003
I like to watch the O'Reilly Factor and some of the news on Fox but I cannot tolerate Sean Hannity for more than 2 minutes. That nauseating little punk is so blinded by his conservative nature that if a conservative burned down his house, killed his dog, wrecked his car and told him to go screw himself he would shake the other conservatives hand. He has no journalistic credibility or brains. He does not give people ample time to speak and if there is anyone who is remotely moderate or liberal he's ready to drive a stake into their heart. Alan Colmes is tolerable but when the heavy debates start he just kind of sits there and doesn't do much. They need to get James Carville on that show, woo man he would kick Hannity's ass off the planet! I am a moderate, not liberal or conservative and I try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. However with an annoying little troll like Sean Hannity, it's a lost cause. Oh and by the way that show Jumped the Shark from day one!
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