Tom & Thomas (2002)
Just Brilliant!!!
19 April 2003
This film just blew me away! I thought I'd watch it coz there was nothing else on and I thought it would be you're average kid's film, boy was I wrong! I thought it would be a lame plot with lame acting, but it was the complete opposite of that, it was very well made with an excellent plot and amazing acting! Aaron Johnson is one talented kid...I mean the way he portrayed the completely different twins, 'Tom' and 'Thomas', was terrific, I'm running out of good words so I'm probably going to start getting quite repetitive! Anyway, I loved all scenes in this film, the way it all pieced together, the shots, the music, the acting, the lines, the baddies, the heroes, the emotion, everything seemed perfect! It is very funny at times, and very sad at others, it is very exciting and there is never a dull moment, something exciting is always happening. The film provokes a lot of pity from its audience, probably towards 'Tom' the twin who had ended up in an orphanage. The scenes where the twins share each other's pain, as one of them is being beaten, is very well portrayed and it was one of those scenes that make me appreciate film a lot more, although it is slightly horrific and sad! This is one of the topics which adults would probably be advised not to show younger children, as to the subject of child abuse, although I did see this with my five year old nephew and he seemed to enjoy it, and to my amazement said it was better than toy-story, this coming from a boy who has his bedroom covered with toy-story posters, cuddly toys and pillows! But back to 'Tom and Thomas'! Like most little kid's my nephew just thought there would be a happy ending, because in end everything will be happily ever after, well that's what they think when they watch a movie. I'll tell you it does have a happy ending though. But I'm sure those kid's would need counseling! No matter what happens in a film, whether it's child abuse or not, when it's over and has a happy ending, most little kid's don't really think about it! well all I can say now, well, actually I could say a lot more, but I'll just say that this is one of my favorite films, I don't care if it's kids film, it a very unique, brilliant, inspiring, and one of a kind film. It is also very realistic and superbly and expertly made! It doesn't seem like a child's film, yet can be very enjoyable to children of all ages and unlike a lot of kid's films very exciting and enjoyable for adults of all ages too, just ask my mum, so there you have it, my nephew thought it was great, I'm a teenager and I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen and my mum thinks it is an exiting film too! Oh and I applaud Aaron's acting skills in it, very powerful and great emotion, and he's just one of the best child actors I've seen before...and of course the brilliant director 'Esme Lammers' who shot such beautiful scenes...So I am telling you now you have to and I mean have to see this film!


Bye, luv Cesca x
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