I liked it...I liked it a lot. Rock n Roll!
19 October 2002
THE RULES OF ATTRACTION is by far one of the most ambitious films that I've ever seen. I mean, just the fact that it's based on a Bret Easton Ellis novel already makes it ballsy. James Van Der Beek has officially killed his Dawson persona. I can't watch those WB commercials anymore without thinking `yo, that's the sicky younger bro of Patrick Bateman.' Ian Somerhalder and Shannyn Sossamon are so disgustingly talented that they steal every scene that they do without the Beek. And when the three are together in the same area.damn! It's like magic on acid and I loved it all. I figured that this flick would be focused completely on `Dawson as a bad guy' but I was pleasantly surprised by the weight which both Somerhalder and Sossamon brought to their roles. Those three young actors came to play ball and they hit a huge homerun.

But, as is expected, many people just hate this film.

The main reason why the haters are hating? Lack of likeable characters. That must really suck, to go to the movies and not find a character that is just like you. See, I go to the movies to watch other people get into interesting situations. I'm not looking for anybody to identify with because guess what? Nobody in movies are real people, they are simply actors portraying characters.

Now, I know you typically think of characters as being those nutty people in the back of your classroom who make everyone crack up. Well, in movies characters are not real people, they are the creation of other human beings. Depending on the right actor, each character is given life that steps right out of the pages of the text. But that doesn't mean that you're supposed to instantly want to love them. Disconnect yourself from that greedy need to identify with someone and just appreciate who you are as a person. You didn't find anyone you could identify with in this movie? Then why are you upset? Do you wish that you were that pathetic or lost in life like the three main characters? Interesting.

Furthermore, many people bash this movie because it lacks a plot. That's about the stupidest thing that I've ever heard. Follow me now.does your life have a plot? I know mine doesn't. I live in the real world and just try to make the best of it. THE RULES OF ATTRACTION is about life and what happens when there is no arc to follow. The characters in the film have no plans for the immediate future because they really don't see anything outside of the day-to-day scope. This is a snippet out of their aimless lives and it is done that way purposely to demonstrate a simple fact. LIFE IS THE RESULT OF THOSE MOMENTS THAT CHANGE YOU FOREVER. The events of the film have to be recognized as those things that are going to forever dictate how these characters live the rest of their lives. It's great that you as a viewer would hate this movie because nobody looks forward to the future but you have to be like Mr. Glass in UNBREAKABLE to understand what's going on in this movie. If there's someone like you who has everything already nice and planned out then logic dictates that there is someone on the opposite end of the spectrum. They are lives with no purpose.

So, no lesson has been learned by RULES OF ATTRACTION. People just don't seem to get it because it doesn't conform to the typical flick about college-aged kids. Since Roger Avary won't do it then I'm just gonna come right out and apologize for the lack of Jason Biggs screwing pies, Stifler drinking semen, and Nadia being broadcast over the internet for your voyeuristic pleasure. If you were led to believe that this movie was going to be a cute gross out comedy, then maybe you should just stick to Gene's picks at your local vid store. I'm sure he's got plenty of Weekend At Bernie's sequels to make up for the Big Bad Avary's non-conformist films.

For the rest of you daring people, please check out RULES OF ATTRACTION as soon as you can for something different. I've said too much already. Please, don't go into the movie with my perspective.just see it to gain your own. It's catharsis, this movie should make you appreciate your life.
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