Excellent, a brave film.
2 September 2003
No one is making anything like this in the UK. Ray Brady's work was always eclectic but this is his strangest film since his first feature Boy Meets Girl (1994). Day of the Sirens, like Boy Meets Girl, I believe will have polarised and opposite reviews , like BMG people will either love or hate this film, the attack by a gunman on a church followed by another motiveless attack on children in a playground will anger many and bring disdain and hatred on to Brady. Day of the Sirens will cause a strong reaction in all viewers, and I guess this is the power of Sirens and Boy Meets Girl, Brady tackles issues and goes to places few other British director/writers would dare to go to or deal with. A brave if somewhat repugnent film, my vote is ten though a suspect that some will vote one, a provocative film by one of England's most provocative filmmakers.
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