Winning Hearts and Film Critics across America
10 September 2004
Despite the few (mostly one) postings from people who clearly cannot get past their own inability to connect to a heartwarming film, for the official record I would like to add a few quotes regarding THE ROAD HOME from some well known and well respected film critics:

"The Road Home is a bold and stylish drama from newcomer, Drew Johnson. A filmmaker with a creative eye that bristles with intelligence, charm and imagination!" ...Jeffrey K. Howard, The Movie Guys

"The Road Home is a captivating film worthy of your attention, a well-written little film with a big heart. In this year filled with endless sequels and big-budget explosions, watching The Road Home is like finding a hidden treasure. Simply put - this is a wonderful and thought-provoking movie. Don't miss the opportunity to see it!" ...Tony Toscano, Film Critic, Emmy-Winning host Talking Pictures

"An enjoyable movie that brings together America's two favorite past times, baseball and being in love" ...Greg Russell, Film Critic WDWB Detroit

"A superbly crafted film...One of this year's best romances." ...David Giammarco, Film Critic Toronto Star, Elle Magazine

"An impressive Independent feature...It has the look and feel of a studio picture." ...Playboy Magazine

"I just got back from the CineVegas film festival and I saw a great film, The Road Home!" ...Casey Smith, Anchor, KLAS, CBS affiliate, Las Vegas

"I Love this movie! It's not your typical movie about people from 'Vegas, in fact it's not your typical "feel good" movie either. It's a great film!" ...Heidi Harris, Host KXNT, 840AM Talk Radio, Las Vegas

It would appear that they "Yeeech" comment from one lone person is the odd voice out regarding the quality and enjoyability of this film. What a shame that currently it is the lead comment on a film with otherwise stellar reviews from what appears to be various festival goers over the two years. Too bad so much weight has been given to that one review when others, including seasoned and film-weary professional critics, obviously feel this is an independent film of note.

Takes all kinds I guess....
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