Freddy vs. Jason: The beginning of a new cycle.
31 August 2003
To be quite honest, I was not expecting this movie to be the mass crowd drawer that it turned out to be. When I went to see it, with my girlfriend, I noticed that there was a long line stretching out way out into the parking lot. Everybody was there just to see this movie. So as it turns out that it has been going strong in the box office for quite some time now, which brings me to my point:

The draw of bringing two seperate movies and merging them into one worked with "Freddy vs. Jason". Hollywood producers are going to react to this. Whether you liked the movie or not, the concept worked and the movie is making a lot of money in the box office.

The Hollywood industry is just that, an industry. Like any other industry, Hollywood has UP times and DOWN times. It happens that this year they're having a down time which means that Hollywood producers are deseperately seeking out creative movie ideas to recapture the audience's interest and generate a better profit. When Producers see the success of a movie like this then they are going to create more movies like it. Plain and simple. We should expect to see a lot more movies like this come out in the next couple of years.

It's like Fashion. A designer produces a line of clothes that turn out to be the hottest fashion. It's sold to actors and big shots for hundreds of dollars. Other money hungry designers, naturally, will notice this and create their own variation of that style in their next line. Eventually everybody will start wearing the same style and because of heavy competition, the prices of these clothes will go down droping the value and novelty of the style. The cycle begings again when another desgner designs a new fashion. The same will happen with these "vs." type movies. They will be hot for a while, then they'll lose their novelty and it'll go away.

I think that Freddy vs. Jason marks the begining of a new cycle in the movie industry. We'll see some good movies and some bad. I don't know about you, but I'm interested to see what Hollywood has in store for us.

If you are into things like this, then I encourage you to see the movie.
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