31 August 2003
I've always had a soft spots for number threes.

Nightmare on Elm St: Dream Warriors Friday the 13th in 3-D Porky's 3 Return of the Jedi Beverly Hills Cop 3 (actually, that's one of the Ten worst films ever made. Scratch that)

And Spy Kids 3 has now topped the list. It is a far superior film to either Spy Kids 1 or 2 (a feat I have never seen happen in any franchise)

From the junior gumshoe prologue to George Clooney's remarkable Stallone immitation to the exciting Meca-Car-Chase to the lead boy's poignant cry of "I never got her email!!!" Spy Kids 3 made me feel more like a child than almost any film this summer (notable exceptions: XMen 2 and the blatant nudity from Freddy vs. Jason... which reverted me to a 12 year old in seconds)

It's more than worth a rental... if it includes the 3-D glasses.
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