Very realistic for a TV movie
25 November 2002
At the Quecreek Mine, nine miners were doing their jobs when their ordinary lives were suddenly changed and their race for survival was as dramatic as the emotions that were being portrayed at the fire hall.

By now, we have heard about the famous miracle that happened in Somerset, PA, and in this made-for-TV movie, the story was told with great care, with such authenticity that it felt like you were with the families and the miners. The movie was filmed at the actual mine, the fire hall, and at one of the miner's homes, and contains real footage from Pittsburgh's Channel 4 News. Because it was too dangerous to film in the real mine, a set was built in Los Angeles, and the special effects were so realistic that it was more like a motion picture than a made-for-TV movie. The actors were also very good in their roles and the miners themselves added emotion to the story.
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