Review of Miracle

Miracle (2004)
Great movie!
7 February 2004
I stopped myself from chanting USA USA in the theater, because my wife would have left, but I still got emotional and raised my hands up when the US scored. I still miss the Jets leaving the Peg, and still have the game reflexes when I watched the movie with a hockey crowd. I remember watching most of the games when I was eleven. Everyone hated the big Red machine from the Soviet Union, that killed the NHL all stars, and team USA afterward in a pre-Olympic game. Part of the cold war fever taking place and this movie showed the importance of the game back in 1980. I was chanting USA USA while watching the game, live at home and remember Craig with the flag, all the players standing on the podium during the medal ceremony. This must of had a huge influence on Hockey in the USA, and turned a lot of youngsters onto the game! Being a hockey nut I remember watching the US during the 80's and they would lose in the first round at the Canada cups but with the younger players coming up they got better in every tournament, and finally made the cup final in 1992. This event and the infusion of Canadian junior hockey coaches into their college system makes the US, the hockey power it is today. Is is no longer just Canada and the Russians, I figure there will be many Canada, USA olympic gold medal games with maybe a movie about it one day. Great hockey movie the advisors made the goaltending, and puck movement so real. Russell looks and acts like a coach, from the coaching view, not the fan. Brooks later became the coach of the Rangers, it was classy of them showing his picture at the end of the movie. 7 out of 10
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