The Village (2004)
In defense of THE VILLAGE
30 July 2004
Well, the film just opened today and I'm already sick and tired of

everyone (critics AND fans) whining over the unsurprising twists.

GET OVER IT. No plot twist in the world could satisfy all the plot

nerds in the world who are posting the lamest plot detail

complaints on message boards all over the web. HERE'S THE

DEAL: The Village is beautifully filmed, gorgeously scored, eerily

atmospheric, provocatively suggestive, emotionally intriguing, and

not at all what audiences expect after the massive media blitz of

horror-movie style TV ads. People are bound to be disappointed,

but maybe they should take a second look after they get past their

own expectations. The film is a lovely little allegory. It's Hawthorne

meets Lovecraft in The Twilight Zone, with light social commentary

on the politics of fear and repression. And best of all, M. Night

deserves cheers for delivering midnight movie suspense


greatest strength as a director, his quiet mastery of old-fashioned

filmmaking techniques. Even Signs, my least favorite film of his

because the human story was so unconvincing, delivered real

chills in its first half. In conclusion, GIVE THE VILLAGE A CHANCE,

but don't expect a rollercoaster monster scream fest with wildly

unpredictable twists
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