Dead Cool (2004)
Sporadic (un)entertainment
6 April 2004
One of the problems with Dead Cool is the under developed story. It tries to tie in too many story lines without fleshing them out, leaving the audience bewildered and uninterested. Several key scenes have been cut down for time restriction, leaving out plot explanations. This is especially apparent in the supernatural scenes which stand out as confusing. They are certainly not needed. All the "other worldly" plot lines are unnecessary and only distract the viewer from the story unfolding. Other unnecessary parts of this film are the CGI shots that don't do anything to unfold the story. Several actors stand out in Dead Cool, but for all the wrong reasons. There are not a lot of good actors/ actresses in it. It is all a bit wooden and gives the film a 'made for television' feel. It is lacking in script and visualisation. If you want a family comedy/drama there are thousands of better films out there, this one's neither funny nor dramatic.
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