Review of RoboCop

RoboCop (1994)
Camp lives again
22 November 2004
I rather liked the series. I saw it as an extension of the Robocop 3 humor and a good approach for a Primetime network TV series. (A more Robocop 1- like series would fit on a HBO or other cable network and would please the Robo fan base better.) It gives a nod to the 60's Batman series in not taking itself too seriously but isn't as cartoonish as said Batman. The humour is more akin to Escape from New York (another debate for another forum)than the Three Stooges and is campy at times. Camp is an acquired taste that rarely appeals to the fans who enjoyed the gritty and bloody violence of the first 2 films. What it has going for it is that its fun, witty (the Rowdy Roddy Piper episode is a classic and I'm not just talking about the Major Market uniform either), and expanded the Robo universe in a pre-Dark Knight Returns/Spawn comic-bookish way. The writing varied but the surrounding cast and guest stars made up for it. I can show my kids this series and enjoy it with them and then share the movie series and the Prime Directives miniseries of movies with them when they're older. This is a PG Robocop series and should be judged on its own merits and not compared to the R rated movies which were created for another market altogether.
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