Review of The Division

The Division (2001–2004)
Inimical to life.
25 January 2005
I watched quite a few of these because looking at San Francisco is no huge challenge to my sensibilities. Unfortunately after almost no time at all you realise that the windows are blinds drawn or strongly backlit the outdoor scenes are shot at a low angle to obscure any horizon details and indoor locations abound, in fact the sum total of SF location in these seems to be cable car bells and words painted on restaurant windows. The show itself has some of the most PC plots I have ever seen - the white guy Always did it, cheer as the peppy black cop shots the villain three times in the chest. The captain looks like a particularly cheerless transgender experiment. Basically a dreary feel-bored family hour that looks much less attractive than Nash Bridges (hence very little merit that I have spotted so far).
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