Dreamcatcher (2003)
A Laughable Disaster
6 February 2005
This is a film that HAS to be seen to be believed. A big budget, high caliber talent absolute piece of crap. One of the worst movies I have ever seen - not to say I didn't laugh out loud and that my friends didn't enjoy just how awful and unbelievable the movie is - but aside from the money they put into the special effects, the "story" and some of the acting is total trash. Stepehen King wrote the book after his accident and admits to be high on painkillers and morphine while writing it and it shows - its almost as if he was slipping in and out of a morphine dream and stealing from himself - a little "Stand By Me" a little "It", a little "Dead Zone" - what the hell. The movie goes off on so many tangents it makes your head spin - four friends befriend a strange disabled boy - basically a human E.T. - and he gives them psychic powers - only they don't have the powers for huge, long stretches of the film, which go unexplained - in fact, there are many scenes where characters sit still in one place and give long, boring speeches where they are desperately trying to explain the "plot". The movie does have EVERYthing - nostalgic flashbacks a la Stand By Me with smart alecky kids bonding over turmoil, icky horrid monsters and lots of blood coming out of animal's and human's anus, military powers trying to control a sickness, psychic abilities, car crashes, snow storms, horrible male bonding banter like out of Lowenbrau beer commercials, aliens, spaceships, evil powers overtaking people's minds - it's as if they threw ALL of King's stories into a blender and then this goopy mess was poured into THIS movie. The actor who plays Jonesy (that's another thing - the four buddies all call each clever lame nicknames like Jonesy, H and Beav - yes, that's right, BEAV!!!!) gives one of the worst performances ever captured on film once the alien force takes over his brain and he starts talking like two people - the good one and the evil one (the evil one has a British accent!!!!) - anyway, yes, you could open some beers and watch with friends and howl with delight at how awful it really is - but seriously, the movie itself - even with Kasdan behind the camera and the great Wm. Goldman writing the screenplay, is an utter and total train-wreck. Just awful!
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