Red to Kill (1994)
Category III Mania!
19 February 2005
Red to Kill (1994) was one of the many Hong Kong films that were produced during the mid nineties to fall under the Category III rating. 1997 was fast approaching and many film makers knew that the heavy hand of censorship from the Chinese government would make these films null and void in the future. Many film makers were making these cheap and exploitive films so they could not only make a few bucks but take advantage of the lack film censorship board. Category III films become a genre all in it's own. Originally it was for films that were to intense for Category IIB. But as these movies got popular, the films began to form a sub genre all there own. When one watches a Category III film they expect two things (strong sex and bloody violence). This film delivers on all accounts and they're for viewers 18 and older!

Red to Kill is about a mentally retarded woman (Lily Cheung)who is sent to live in a mental institution when her care taking mother passes away. Her social worker (Money Lo) sends her to a place where she'll learn to work with others. A worker at the home (Ben Ng) has a strong affection for her, but he has a dark side (and a dark one indeed). IL' Ben has a thing for red and it makes in go bonkers. One day poor simple Lily wears red around Ben. Will he be able to contain himself or will he fall to his urges?

You'll never see a twisted and disturbing movie like this. It was films like this that defined the Category three genre. Billy Tang has one depraved mind (that's good for film making). This movie pulls no punches in showing the mind of a psycho. Too bad they'll never make movies like these ever again. If you like twisted and gory films look no further because Red To Kill has everything you expect from a movie like this.

Hard Core!!!

Highly recommended.
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