RoboCop 3 (1993)
End of a trilogy, what a way to go out on a whimper instead of a bang.
21 February 2005
Robocop 3 (1993) was an unwanted sequel that helped killed a studio and sat on the shelf for over two years. Why was this movie made? Who knows, it didn't make a dime and the film makers tried to make him kid friendly which killed the series in the process. The movie was so unwanted that Peter Weller didn't want to reprise his role of Officer Murphy for a third time. Whilst the second film was extremely dark and depressing, the third installment swung wildly in the other direction. Two wrongs don't make a right. The director and writer Fred Dekkar should have known better. He made a couple of fun and watchable movies in the past. What ever made them click misfired on all cylinders in this boring and safe for the family sequel.

Well, this movie killed it's box office draw. Nobody wanted to see a kid friendly Robocop. The next time it appeared was on the small screen in two syndicated television programs. Neither raised a big stink and Robocop went back into mothballs. A shame really because Robocop was cool. Hell, part two is a classic compared to this celluloid tripe.

Recommended for die-hard Robocop fans. Other need not apply, except children who want to see Robocop in action.
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