Review of Chapter Two

Chapter Two (1979)
Is love any easier the second time around?
11 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Marry in haste, repent at leisure." Common expression, and perhaps one Neil Simon was thinking of when he wrote this autobiographical offering.

George Schneider (James Caan) is a widowed writer who is becoming reclusive. His brother, Leo (Joseph Bologna), wants him to get back into the swim of life, so he gives him the phone number of Jennie MacLaine (Marsha Mason), a bubbly, divorced actress who is the best friend of his mistress, Faye Medwick (Valerie Harper). Improbably, George and Jennie hit it off, and enter into a whirlwind courtship, which leads very quickly to marriage. However, after they have married, the memory of his first wife causes George to withdraw from Jennie. Can their marriage survive? Do we want it to?

It's an interesting script, in that you're swept along with a relationship that develops so fast it's out of control. And just when you think the happy ending is coming, a major problem develops. Simon certain knew the material, since he took it from his own life, but I think the ending is not as conclusive as he would like you to think it is. Along the way, though, it's an awful lot of fun.

Mason carries this movie, and thankfully, she is more than equal to the task, giving us a fully developed portrait of a charming woman who knows herself, knows what she wants from a relationship, and isn't afraid to tell her husband when he isn't giving her what she needs. As for Caan, he gives his usual wooden performance, which works moderately well with his character, but still leaves you wondering why he was cast in the part. As supporting players, Bologna and Harper more than hold their own, and help fill in the void left by Caan.

In spite of all its problems, this is a buoyant film, which is a joy to watch. Love may not be any easier the second time around, but Simon and Mason do manage to convince us that it's worth the ride.
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