Joan of Arcadia (2003–2005)
Pretends to know what god would do and has bad looking actors
9 May 2005
I don't like the fact that this show proclaims to know what god would do or say.

No human can know the ways of god (if he exists), anyone and anything that tries to tell you what god ways are is a sinner who tries to scam you.

Anyone who acts like gods spokesman is a sinner according to the bible, and for good reasons, people who believe someone is talking for god might go murder people thinking god told them to do it.

Also, this show has bad looking actors, I don't want to sit in-front of the TV looking at ugly people, there are enough of them in the world I don't need them in my living room.

The girl who plays Joan looks bad, her father looks awful, her off and on boyfriend also looks ugly.

The might not look too bad but I believe if you are going to make a TV show, at least use people who look good.
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