Interesting work, Seann!
29 May 2005
I was smiling to myself all throughout this movie, because it was such a well-intentioned break-away role for SWS. I mean, I could feel how much this part meant to him as an actor, and while I thought he did a decent job with Ben's character, somehow I'm still unable to completely accept SWS as a MAN. There's something too undeniably boyish about him; it's almost like he doesn't quite have the life experience to make himself fully believable as a complex, edgy hustler like Ben, at least not yet.

But you just keep plugging away, Seann. You're intense and you've got drive and talent, and that really comes across. Acting lessons might be something to keep in mind, however.

The other comment I want to make is regarding the audio commentary. It was entertaining and enlightening, but I found SWS's constant juvenile eruptions regarding "HOT chicks" to be distracting and tedious. Yes, we get it. There were a lot of hot chicks on the set, and you didn't score with any of them, apparently, although you wanted to, which makes you everyman. Now shut the hell up about it, already. He explodes with passionate enthusiasm about "hot" women on every single commentary he does, no matter which movie it is, but for some reason it annoyed me more this time around.

The thing is, females comprise a huge percentage of SWS's audience, and when we're sitting at home in our bunny slippers chugging Yoo Hoo and watching the DVD, we're melting because one of our favorite actors is up there looking smoking hot and incredibly BLASTABLE. We're fantasizing about how cool it would be to hook up with this guy, and then?

SWS goes and says something stupid like, "Dude, look at her. Was she HOT or WHAT?" (Insert sound of fingernails on chalkboard, or needle scraping across record). It probably wouldn't be nearly as objectionable if he didn't say it every thirty seconds or so, but he does, to the point where it becomes off-putting and funky. It only underscores his essential lack of polish and maturity. (For instance, can you imagine The Rock saying stuff like that on an audio commentary? Didn't think so...)

Having said all that, let me also say that I predict SWS will have an amazingly successful career. It will be so much fun to sit back and watch him grow and watch what kind of movies he'll choose to make. If only he'd stop saying, "Dude, she was SOOOO hot!", he'd be perfect!

BTW, the music in this movie is incredibly powerful and relentless, and so realistic that it's almost like a separate character. They nailed the rave thing brilliantly, and I fully intend to purchase the soundtrack.
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