Mindhunters (2004)
Plot twists that make no logical sense doom a pedestrian take on Agatha Christie
3 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There were seven FBI profilers in the bed and the psychotic one said roll over roll over so they all rolled over and one dropped dead...

This is the story of a class of FBI profilers in training who are dropped on an island to do their "final exam". The work of a serial killer will be enacted and they will have to catch him. The trouble is that someone- perhaps one of their own- is taking them out one by one.

Directed with little sign of his occasional skill by Renny Harlin this is a remake of Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians. Its purely "by the book" direction and could have been put together by any reasonably talented director. Its reasonably acted by the cast which includes Christian Slater, Val Kilmer and LL Cool J.

Unfortunately this movie makes zero sense from its opening moments to its final fade out. There is simply no real internal logic to drive the story and so it simply becomes an okay time waster. How illogical is it? There are so many to choose from, but the easiest to explain is when one of the characters is brushing her teeth in a bathroom. She is looking in the mirror. Suddenly she turns around to find a dead cat hanging from the ceiling behind her. How it got there is never explained. She was in a room, all alone and suddenly this thing just appears. I was willing to give the movie the benefit of the doubt up until that point, after all it had barely gotten started, but at that point I was more interested just getting to the end so I'd know who was behind it all (at least you do want to know who the killer is, I'll give it points for that).

If you like serial killer flicks and want to see them all or if you have a high tolerance for low quality thrillers give it a shot, it does have its moments, but over all this is not really something to sit down and watch. My guess this is the perfect film to catch on a commercial station while you're doing other things, after all that way you can blame any plot problems on the cutting for content and your attention to your other task.

four or five out of ten.
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