Only Those Who Really Wanted To Believe Any Propaganda...
11 June 2005
...could swallow this film wholeheartedly.

I am not living in a polyanna-ish world where the US administration's motives for invading Panama were absolutely pure. However, any valid criticism of the US administration that might have been in this film was lost amongst the bizarre, unbelievable paranoia the so-called documentary filmmakers chose to adopt as a viewpoint. Some of this material (like the bit about the US Army using random Panamanian civilians to test Area 51-type secret beam weapons on) landed somewhere between comic book and schizophrenic dementia. Oh, and the "everything was great until the US got involved" viewpoint- classic.

Sadly, I remember seeing this film with the kind of zombies who would cheer the filmmakers at every statement, no matter how outrageous or out of touch with reality. Goes to show that the hardcore religious right is not the only political orientation with a cadre of zombies willing to ignore facts or even the slightest contact with reality, as long as what they are being told fits in with their preconceived notions. One thing the far left and far right have in common: they will pay to have people tell them what they are already convinced is true!
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