Never credible, but most enjoyable!
14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Today, Chris Columbus is (what Harry Knowles astutely calls) an "almost director". He has never made a truly good movie, (what has he been doing since "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"?). But back in the mid 1980's, Columbus wrote 3 very entertaining (if unbelievable) movies, all for Steven Spielberg's Amblin company: "Gremlins" (1984), "The Goonies" (1985) and this film, "Young Sherlock Holmes" (1985). I don't blame Doyle followers for hating this movie, it isn't for them. This film is for those of us who know nothing of Sherlock Holmes franchise, but just love an fun movie.

"Young Sherlock Holmes" is well-produced across the board, fun, fast and perfectly cast. Some other posters here have slammed both Rowe (Holmes) and Cox (Watson), but I found them just fine. The flagrant 80's effects (from the Spielberg/Lucas teams) are a distraction and the "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984) style plot is absolutely wrong, but those are my only real complaints. Director Barry Levinson, has of course, go on to much greater things, but this may be his most underrated film. Personally, I would have enjoyed this film even more had the three leads been even younger (say 11-14 years old). But then, there couldn't be a big sword duel between Holmes and Rathe.

If your a fan of the Amblin Entertainment empire, and don't know anything about Sherlock Holmes I think you'll enjoy this film. It's a great shame (even tragedy) "Young Sherlock Holmes" was a complete box-office bomb and that the DVD has no special features whatsoever!

Final rating: 7/10 "An enjoyable, entertaining movie. Not a classic, but it's not supposed to be."
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