Review of Ma mère

Ma mère (2004)
Utterly Silly
18 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I confess to a weakness for these Euro bonkfests, which are as cheesy and crassly exploitative as their dissolute Hollywood cousin, the erotic thriller, but waaay more pretentious.

This whole thing looks like a Calvin Klein ad, assuming Calvin Klein had lost his mind completely, of course.

Because this is a family website, and MA MERE is a richly-deserved NC-17, I can't get too detailed about it. But, various highlights in this one: -- a metrosexually kind of guy running around naked and, later, screaming catechism in the rain.

-- this same guy, uh, "gratifying" himself all over his dead Dad's collection of pornography.

-- he and his mother's surprisingly unattractive bisexual lover, um, "having fun" in what looks like a subway stop. A suspiciously empty subway stop.

-- a club that's been set up to be a real pit of sin and degradation, revealing itself to be something like Circus Circus with drag queens. Which sounds like a lot of fun, now that I think about it. They ought to try that out in Vegas.

-- and, most horrifyingly, fat old German men in veeerrry tiny thongs.

The big thing here is that Ma and son do it: you don't really see much of anything in that climatic scene, though, which I thought was a cheat. I'm not exactly sure why they do it -- I don't think they know, either. But this is the sort of movie where nothing's really explained all that clearly: people just have a lot of sex and bitch and moan about it.

(Also, these movies, for all their self-conscious "transgressive" edge, are really quite tame and bourgeoisie. After the big taboo is transgressed, Ma Huppert quickly and inexplicably dies, thus saving us from any messy complications.) It's no EDEN AND AFTER, which I saw a while back and consider to be a classic of this loopy genre. But it's amusing enough, for what it is. Isabelle Huppert looks great, though I'd hope she could get better work next time.
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